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Главная arrow Мероприятия arrow "Lessons From the "Law on Bloggers "(2014 - 2017): Current Problems and Adequate Solutions"

"Lessons From the "Law on Bloggers "(2014 - 2017): Current Problems and Adequate Solutions"

Draft programme of

the online conference

"Lessons From the "Law on Bloggers "(2014 - 2017): 

Current Problems and Adequate Solutions"

November 12, 2020

11.00-11.05 Welcome speechVadim Vinogradov, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Doctor of Law, Professor

11.05-11.10 Welcome speechAlexander Khinshtein, Chairman of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

11.10-11.15 Welcome speechAndrey Loginov, State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

11.15-11.20 Welcome speechOlga Berek, President of the National Association of Bloggers

11.20-11.30 Is There a Need for a Law on Bloggers for: Bloggers, Civil society, State? Mikhail Fedotov, Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE, Doctor of Law, Professor

11.30-11.40 The Peculiarities of the Blogosphere as a Space of Mass CommunicationsTatyana Magera, Deputy Head of the Media Department, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, NRU HSE, PhD.

11.40-11.50 The Status of the Mass Media for Bloggers: Benefit or HarmEkaterina Dukhina, blogger-lawyer, National Association of Bloggers

11.50-12.00 The Practical Issues of the Legal Status of BloggersNatalya Yakimovskaya, media lawyer, member of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE

12.00 - 12.10 The Problem of Legislation on Bloggers From the Point of View of Theory and Practice of LawmakingEkaterina Shulman, Head of the Center for Lawmaking Research, Institute of Social Sciences RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, PhD, Associate Professor, video blogger

12.10-12.20 Experience of Regulating the Content of the Blogosphere in the Context of Combating the Coronavirus Pandemic in the OSCE RegionAndrey Richter, Senior Adviser of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Doctor of Philology, Professor, member of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE

12.20-12.30 - Asian Experience of Combating Infodemia in the BlogosphereElena Sherstoboeva, Professor of the City University of Hong Kong, PhD, member of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE; Valentina Pavlenko, Senior Lecturer, Department of Media, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, NRU HSE 

12.30-12.40 Representative of Yandex.Dzen 

12.40-12.50 Representative of VKontakte 

12.50-13.00 Representative of Odnoklassniki

13.00-13.10 Representative of Facebook

13.10-13.20 The Professional interests of Bloggers in the Field of LegislationMaria Terentyeva-Galitskikh, Chairman of the Council of the National Association of Bloggers

13.20-13.30 Bloggers' Activities in the Context of Changing the Copyright Paradigms, Ivan Zasursky, Head of the New Media Department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, President of the Association of Internet Publishers, PhD, Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights

13.30-14.30 General discussion

14.30-15.00 Break

15.00-15.10 The Intellectual Synthesis of Content in the Context of Legal Regulation of the Blogosphere, Ruslan Budnik, Deputy Head of the UNESCO Chair in Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE, Doctor of Law

15.10-15.20 The Legal Status of the BloggerAlena Denisova, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, NRU HSE, member of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE

15.20-15.30 The Anonymity in the Blogosphere: Legal AspectsAlexey Deyneko, Associate Professor of the Kosygin Russian State University, PhD, member of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE

15.30-15.40 The Legal Nature of the Various Forms of Advertising in the Blogosphere: Marathons, Giveaway, Mutual PR, as well as other forms of product placementAlina Primakova, PhD, member of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, NRU HSE 

15.40-15.50 The Problems of Taxation of the Entrepreneurship in the BlogosphereVera Parygina, PhD

15.50-17.20 General discussion

17.20-18.00 Development of the recommendations, summing up.
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