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Главная arrow Все новости arrow 05.12.2012 New Global Media and Communication concentration at CEU's School of Public Policy

05.12.2012 New Global Media and Communication concentration at CEU's School of Public Policy

Join the Inaugural: Call for applications for Master of Public Administration (MPA) program at CEU. This two-year program offers students the opportunity to concentrate in Global Media and Communication in their second year.  Scholarships and fellowships available.


The CEU School of Public Policy (SPP) is seeking to recruit exceptional students from all parts of the globe to enroll in its inaugural class for the two-year Master of Public Administration (MPA) program to begin in September 2013. CEU is an English-language, graduate university located in Budapest, Hungary and is accredited in both the United States and Hungary. Applications are open until 24 January 2013.

Read the MPA brochure and apply now!


About the MPA

The School’s professional degree program will equip students to make innovative contributions towards addressing the paramount public policy challenges of the 21st century. The MPA curriculum consists of integrated components designed to foster intellectual growth and reflective thinking, the development of practical skills and experiential learning.

Areas of concentration initially offered will include analysis in a host of public policy areas such as: Regional and Global Governance, Human Security and Sustainable Development and Global Media and Communication. In cooperation with the Open Society Foundations and SPP’s network of worldwide partners, the program will entail a student-designed, policy-oriented practice component (called the passion project), which commences in the winter term of the first year of the MPA program, builds on a summer internship, and runs through the entirety of a student’s second year.

We are recruiting students with a passion for public policy and the public good ready to challenge established models and schools of thought.

Prospective students

The School of Public Policy seeks applicants for its inaugural class who are committed to making a positive difference in the world of global public policy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a strong academic record, an interest in public policy, and high leadership potential. Although not a requirement, it is preferable that applicants possess one to several years work experience, obtained through paid/unpaid employment, professional or volunteer work, and/or internship opportunities, and have exposure to international or multicultural environments.

Join us in promoting innovative solutions worldwide and foster change: in government, international institutions, within non-profits, or in the private sector.

Scholarships and fellowships

SPP will offer a number of merit-based fellowships and scholarships.

For further information about the School of Public Policy, visit the SPP website or Facebook page, or contact the SPP at  Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script .

Join a community of action-oriented thinkers and policy makers.

About SPP

Launched in September 2011, SPP aspires to become (in the words of its founder George Soros) a “new kind of global institution dealing with global problems.” In its degree and non-degree programs (including executive education), SPP aims to create an educational experience that involves not only the acquisition of skills and knowledge but also the cultivation of a mindset that emphasizes entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural awareness and a commitment to the public good. Building on Central European University’s rich traditions of promoting diversity and open societies, the SPP will cultivate a rigorous interdisciplinary environment and a dynamic laboratory of ideas.


Further opportunities to specialize in media and communication studies at CEU


1) Media, Information and Communication Policy Specialization within the Master in Public Policy (1 year program and 2 year Erasmus program).Visit their Website.


2) Political Communication certificate within the Master in Political Science (1 and 2 year programs). Visit their Website.


3) Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations. Visit their Admissions Website.


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