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Главная arrow Все новости arrow Письмо генсека МФЖ А.Уайта Президенту РФ В.Путину

Письмо генсека МФЖ А.Уайта Президенту РФ В.Путину

2007-05-17 Генеральный Секретарь Международной Федерации Журналистов Айдан Уайт направил Президенту Российской Федерации В.В.Путину письмо с приглашением принять участие в церемонии открытия XXVI Всемирного конгресса МФЖ 28 мая с.г. В письме также выражается обеспокоенность попытками властей в канун Конгресса выселить Союз журналистов России из помещений, занимаемых им по праву с 1980 года.

          International Federation of Journalists               

                                          From the General Secretary

Vladimir Putin


Russian Federation


Fax: 007 495 606 5173                                                                       May 16th 2007

IFJ World Congress, Moscow, 2007

Dear President Putin,

On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists I am pleased once more to draw your attention to the holding of the 26th World Congress of the Federation in Moscow from May 28th to June 1st 2007. You will recall that the IFJ has extended an invitation for you to do us the honour of opening the event on Monday, May 28th. I understand very well how busy you are and the great pressure on your schedule, which may explain why we have as yet received no response to our invitation.


I very much hope, even at this late stage, that you will be able to join us and to address the IFJ, the most representative community of journalists in the world.


At the same time, Mr President, I hope you will forgive me for raising another matter of importance to the IFJ. The Federation is worried by recent reports of pressure being brought to bear on our colleagues at the Russian Union of Journalists, the hosts of the IFJ World Congress.


We understand the Union has been lately informed that arrangements for renting their existing premises are to be terminated. This is a matter of deep concern that threatens the future of Russia’s leading and most representative organisation of journalists. We hope very much that you will do what you can to ensure that the capacity of the Russian Union to speak for and to defend the interests of Russia’s community of journalists will be maintained.

Given this historic moment in the life of global journalism, when more media staff are being killed than ever before, and when citizens yearn for quality and professional information services, I would value very much the opportunity for a delegation of the IFJ to meet with you to discuss the role of Russian media and the importance of independent journalism in the context of our world congress in Moscow.

Please let me know if this is possible and whether or not you will be able to attend the Congress.


Yours Sincerely,

General Secretary



International Federation of Journalists, International Press Centre,

Résidence Palace, Block C,  155 Rue De La Loi,  B1040 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 235 2200 Fax: +32 2 235 2219 E-mail: Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script



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